Saturday, 18 January 2020

Issue for Weblogic-3


Stale connections causing high CPU and high memory utilization and eventually breakdown of database.


The hardware and software could not be easily replaced due to the cost it.They can be incurred due to complexity of the application. So the challenge was to make the best utilization of the database, reduce the connections, if possible effectively use the connections made and refine the code

All the  connections to the database were being made by the connections pools configured on Web logic, so web logic was the target for refinement. 

During the periods when the issue occurred it was observed that the number of sessions rapidly increases from 1400 to 1800,database was capable of handling 1400 sessions it couldn’t support 1800 sessions at all. Most of these 1800 sessions were connections created by web logic in response to application request. 

We mainly concentrated on two parameters:

1. Shrink Frequency 
2.Inactive Connection Timeout. 

Shrink Frequency: The number of seconds  before Web Logic Server shrinks the connection pool to the original number of connections or number of connections currently in use. 

Startup Issue:

when you are  tying to start Web logic as a Windows service the Service Manager throws an exception – 
“Error 1067 the process terminated unexpectedly.”

When it appears there will not be any information recorded in the web logic logs as the Service Manager had failed to initiate web logic startup process itself. But we need to check the Windows Event logs for more information on this.


 To start Web logic as a Windows service the Service Manager throws an exception – “Error 1067 the process terminated unexpectedly.”

When this happens there will not be  store any information recorded in the web logic logs as the Service Manager had failed to initiate web logic start-up process itself. But there we need to check the Windows Event logs for more information on this.

Issues for Weblogic-2

The solution for  Log files not rotating
  Check the Status of the Server
 ./ <manageservername>
 Another option:
 Check in the console.
 Check the disk Space(if fit is full, Delete the logs and then  restart the Server)
 du –kh (folder)
 df –kh (filesystem)

If the avail capacity is 45% 90%
 If full , mv <source > <destination>
 Delete, rm –rf <filename: adminserver.log>

Major Server Errors:

Check the Status of Servers.
 ./ <manageservername>
 Need to do from console.
 Check the Server logs
 For this Database Errors, Check the Connection pool and Datasource.
 Check out the Deployment Descriptors.
 Based on the logs we can change Configuration Changes, Make the Changes and then restart instances one by one if in Cluster.

Server Down/Unknown Type:
Login to the Server through Putty/ Open the Admin Console

Check for the respective Instance Process from putty and also  the instance Status from Admin Console
If Processes does not exist and Instance Status is Unknown, check the logs of the Server Instance and Admin Logs.
Admin and managed server logs.
Node manage status.
Find the root Cause from the logs And Restart the required instances

If the URL is not working:

Need to the Status of the Server instances on which this Application is deployed.
next Default Queue threads or (Application Specified Queue if any)
1.If idle threads are zero or not. 
2.Then Server logs and Application logs (Out logs) for Errors and Exceptions.
 3.If idle threads are Zero, Check which Application is consuming all threads and if it is the same application which you are accessing, then check with the Application Owner.
 4.Need to restart the Corresponding Instances, need to check with  App owner why they are getting consumed
5.Check the Corresponding Connection pool and Datasource whether they are running fine or not.

Application errors:
Access the Application URL whether the instances and their status Errors

Check the logs of the Server as well as App(Out) logs
Check Connection pool Parameters and Datasource

Friday, 17 January 2020

important commands for weblogic -2

Syntax for zip and unzip afile.
 gzip <filename>
 guzip <filename.>

display top 10 disk usage files.
 du -sh *|sort -nr|head -10

To retrive a field in a file.
cut -f 1,2 stud.

command for search a string in a file.

command for end of the line in Vi editor

Copy 10 line in vi editor

To insert mode in vi editor

o search a string in file(filename=sample,string=weblogic)
grep weblogic sample

copyfile from one unix Server to other unix system and syntax 
 scp -rp sample.txt username@

To find out CPU utilisation

To execute a script using nohup
  nohup ./ &

command  used to search and replace a string

Command used to search astring in multiple files

save and quit from vi Editor's?

ping and tracert:

ping :                  
1)It is check the connectivity.   
2)It is display all at a time.  
1.It is packet information one place to another place destination.

2.It display only 30 hubs in tracert.