Saturday, 22 June 2019

Deploying Multiple SOA Composites through ANT-2

Build Property file to Jdeveloper:

build. properties is the file, your middleware.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soa-configuration xmlns="">

 Partition are created:

1.The composite /some/path/sca_composite1.jar is deployed 
2.The composite /another/path/sca_composite2.jar is deployed.

The composite SAR file /yet/another/path/sca_composite3.jar is deployed into the default partition.

The shared data JAR files /some/path/shareddata1.jar and /another/path/shareddata2.jar.

composite instance name-BPEL process:

Use the Java BPEL exec extension bpelx:exec. This extension includes the built-in method setCompositeInstanceTitle(String title)for setting the instance name.



  • Alarms are special events that send notifications during situations requiring attention
  • Addresses incidents that require manual intervention
  • For example, a set of jobs could be dependent on the arrival of a file and if the file is long overdue.It is important that someone investigate the situation, make a decision and resolve the problem.

Aspects of alarms include but is not limited to :

  • Alarms are informational only.Any action to be taken due to a problem is intiated by a separate action   event.
  •  Alarms are system messages about a detected problem
  •  Alarms are sent through the system as an event.



• Autosys provides a set of commands that run essential utility programs for defining,controlling and reporting on jobs.

For eg: the autorep command allows generating a variety of reports about job execution,and the sendevent commands allow manually controlling job processing.

• Additional utility programs are provided to assist in troubleshooting running monitors and browsers,and starting/stoping Autosys and its components.

• Autosys also provides database maintenance utility that runs daily by default.

Components -AUTOSYS


Autosys system components are:-

• Event Server
• Event Processor
• Remote Agent

Event Server (or Autosys Database)

Data Repository that stores Autosys system information,events and job definitions.
The Autosys Db is termed ‘Data Server’ which describes a server instance

Event Processor
Interprets and processes all the events it reads from the Autosys Database
A program that actually runs Autosys
Scans the database for processing events. Checks if the events satisfy the starting conditions of the job and the determines the actions

Remote Agent
Temporary process started by the event processor to perform a specific task on a remote machine
It starts the command specified for a given job, sends running and completion information about a task to the Event Server
If it is unable to transfer the information, it waits and tries until it successfully communicates with the DB

Interaction Between System Components:

Step1: From the Autosys event server(that holds the Events and Job Definitions info),the Event Processor reads the new event,checks for the condition,reads the job definition and that determines the actions.
Step2: The Remote Agent receives the instructions from the Event Processor
Step3: The Remote Agent performs resource checks,ensuring minimum specified number of processors are available and then initiates a child process that runs the specified command
 Step4: The command completes and exits,with the Remote Agent capturing the command’s exit code.
 Step5: The Remote Agent directly communicates the event(exit code,status) to the Event Server.

Autosys Machines V/s Autosys Instances

Autosys architecture has two types of machines:-

Server Machine:

The machine on which the Event Processor and Event Server reside

Client Machine:

The machine on which the Remote Agent resides and where Autosys jobs are run.

What is an Autosys Instance?

  • A version of Autosys software running as an Autosys server,with one or more clients,on single machine or on multiple machine.
  • An instance uses its own Event Server and Event Processor by operating independently of all other Autosys instance.
  • Multiple instances can run and schedule jobs on the same machine without affecting other instances on that machine.

work flow in autosys


Step1:  The Event Processor scans the Event Server for the next event to processor.If no event is ready,the Event Processor scans again in 5 seconds.

Step2: The Event Processor reads from the Event Server that an event is ready.The autosys-job definition and attributes are retrieved from the Event Server,including the command and the pointer to the profile file to be used for the schedule.

Step3: The Event Processor processes the event.The Event Processor attempts to establish a connection with the Remote Agent on the client machine and passes the autosys-job attributes to the client machine.The Event Processor sends a CHANGE_STATUS event marking in the Event Server that the autosys-jobs in STARTING state.

Step4: The Remote Agent is invoked using the UserID and Password passed from the Event Processor.

Step5: The Remote Agent receives the autosys-job parameters and sends an acknowledgement to the Event Processor

Step6: The Remote Agent Starts a process and executes the command in the job definition.

Step7: The Remote Agent issues a CHANGE_STATUS event marking in the Event Server that the job is in RUNNING state.

Step8: The client autosys-job process runs to completion,then returns an exit code to the Remote Agent and quits.

Step9: The Remote Agent sends the Event Server a CHANGE_STATUS event corresponding to the completion status of the autosys-job.The Remote Agent quits.

Events in Autosys


• Since Autosys in Event-driven,it requires an event to occur on which the job depends,for a job to be activated by the Event Processor.

• The sources of these events can be:-

o Jobs changing status such as starting,finishing
o Internal Autosys verification Agents such as detected errors.
o Events send with the SENDEVENT command

• While processing an event,the Event processor scans the database for jobs that are dependent on that event

• If the event satisfies another job’s starting condition,that job is run automatically and completion of that job can cause another job to be started,thereby making the jobs progress in a controlled sequence.

Autosys Introduction

What is Autosys?

• An automated job control system for scheduling,monitoring and reporting jobs
• The jobs can reside on an Autosys configured machine attached to a network

What is an Autosys-job?
• A single action performed on a validated machine
• Autosys-jobs can be defined using GUI or JIL
• Any single command,executable script or NT batch file.It includes a set of qualifying attributes ,conditions specifying when and where a autosys-job should be run.

Autosys-jobs  can be defined by assigning it a name and specifying attributes describing its behavior.

Two methods to define Autosys jobs are:-
1. Using Autosys GUI
• Autosys GUI allows to set the attributes that describe when,where and how a autosys-job should be run.
• GUI Control Panel is used to define autosys-jobs Contain fields that correspond to Autosys JIL sub-commands and attributes.

2. Using job Information Language(JIL)
• A specification language that has its own commands to describe when,where and how a autosys-job should be run.
• The attributes are set b JIL sub-commands