Saturday, 22 June 2019

Components -AUTOSYS


Autosys system components are:-

• Event Server
• Event Processor
• Remote Agent

Event Server (or Autosys Database)

Data Repository that stores Autosys system information,events and job definitions.
The Autosys Db is termed ‘Data Server’ which describes a server instance

Event Processor
Interprets and processes all the events it reads from the Autosys Database
A program that actually runs Autosys
Scans the database for processing events. Checks if the events satisfy the starting conditions of the job and the determines the actions

Remote Agent
Temporary process started by the event processor to perform a specific task on a remote machine
It starts the command specified for a given job, sends running and completion information about a task to the Event Server
If it is unable to transfer the information, it waits and tries until it successfully communicates with the DB

Interaction Between System Components:

Step1: From the Autosys event server(that holds the Events and Job Definitions info),the Event Processor reads the new event,checks for the condition,reads the job definition and that determines the actions.
Step2: The Remote Agent receives the instructions from the Event Processor
Step3: The Remote Agent performs resource checks,ensuring minimum specified number of processors are available and then initiates a child process that runs the specified command
 Step4: The command completes and exits,with the Remote Agent capturing the command’s exit code.
 Step5: The Remote Agent directly communicates the event(exit code,status) to the Event Server.

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