Installation Steps:
Step1: Download the any version of httpd tar file (Ex: httpd-2.2.11.tar) and Extract it
tar -xvf httpd-2.2.11.tar
Step2: Go to httpd-2.2.11 directory and execute the confiure command to configure the apache in one folder (Ex:apache2053)
cd httpd-2.2.11
./configure --prefix=$Home/apache2053
Step3: we need to execute the below commands to build
make install
Step4: take the backup of httpd.conf file
cd apache2053/conf
cp httpd.conf httpd.conf_original
Step5: Edit the httpd.conf configuration file
vi httpd.conf
ServerRoot "$Home/apache2053"
(ServerRoot is the path to the server's configuration, error and log files.It is possible to change this path, provided all the necessary files are copiedto the new location accordingly)
Listen IPAddress:Port (Ex: Listen
LoadModule weblogic_module modules/
User wlusername
#main content of wl application details to update in httpd.conf file
Open tag of IfModule
#keep the info in open tag of IfModule ---mod_weblogic.c
WebLogicCluster hostname:9902,hostnamevir1:9902
MatchExpression *.jsp
close tag of IfModule
Open tag of Location
#keep /application root folder name in Lacation
SetHandler weblogic-handler
DynamicServerList ON
HungServerRecoverSecs 600
ConnectTimeoutSecs 40
DebugConfigInfo OFF
Debug ON
WLLogFile /$Home/apache2053/logs/paniweb1.log
ConnectRetrySecs 2
Idempotent ON
FileCaching ON
SecureProxy OFF
Debug OFF
Close tag of Location
ServerName (we can use dns name , if we don't have it then we can use the ip)
Step6:copy the module file from $Home/wl923/bea/weblogic92/server/plugin/solaris/sparc to $Home/apache2053/modules
cp $Home/wl923/bea/weblogic92/server/plugin/solaris/sparc/ $Home/apache2053/modules/
Step7:check the status of apche configuaration is ok
cd $Home/apache2053/bin
apachectl -t
Step8: start the apache if configuaration is ok
apchectl -k start or httpd -k start
Step9: Access the application with the apache port
http://hostip:port(which%20is%20kept%20in%20httpd.conf/ file)/ProjectName/jsp/Logon.jsp
Step10: Stop the Apache
apchectl -k stop or httpd -k stop
Step1: Download the any version of httpd tar file (Ex: httpd-2.2.11.tar) and Extract it
tar -xvf httpd-2.2.11.tar
Step2: Go to httpd-2.2.11 directory and execute the confiure command to configure the apache in one folder (Ex:apache2053)
cd httpd-2.2.11
./configure --prefix=$Home/apache2053
Step3: we need to execute the below commands to build
make install
Step4: take the backup of httpd.conf file
cd apache2053/conf
cp httpd.conf httpd.conf_original
Step5: Edit the httpd.conf configuration file
vi httpd.conf
ServerRoot "$Home/apache2053"
(ServerRoot is the path to the server's configuration, error and log files.It is possible to change this path, provided all the necessary files are copiedto the new location accordingly)
Listen IPAddress:Port (Ex: Listen
LoadModule weblogic_module modules/
User wlusername
#main content of wl application details to update in httpd.conf file
Open tag of IfModule
#keep the info in open tag of IfModule ---mod_weblogic.c
WebLogicCluster hostname:9902,hostnamevir1:9902
MatchExpression *.jsp
close tag of IfModule
Open tag of Location
#keep /application root folder name in Lacation
SetHandler weblogic-handler
DynamicServerList ON
HungServerRecoverSecs 600
ConnectTimeoutSecs 40
DebugConfigInfo OFF
Debug ON
WLLogFile /$Home/apache2053/logs/paniweb1.log
ConnectRetrySecs 2
Idempotent ON
FileCaching ON
SecureProxy OFF
Debug OFF
Close tag of Location
ServerName (we can use dns name , if we don't have it then we can use the ip)
Step6:copy the module file from $Home/wl923/bea/weblogic92/server/plugin/solaris/sparc to $Home/apache2053/modules
cp $Home/wl923/bea/weblogic92/server/plugin/solaris/sparc/ $Home/apache2053/modules/
Step7:check the status of apche configuaration is ok
cd $Home/apache2053/bin
apachectl -t
Step8: start the apache if configuaration is ok
apchectl -k start or httpd -k start
Step9: Access the application with the apache port
http://hostip:port(which%20is%20kept%20in%20httpd.conf/ file)/ProjectName/jsp/Logon.jsp
Step10: Stop the Apache
apchectl -k stop or httpd -k stop
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