1. Setting environment variable
a. go to directory $WLS_HOME/wlserver_10.3/server/bin
b. source file setWLSEnv.sh as command: . setWLSEnv.sh .
2. Create a domain which name is test1032,
3. Weblogic admin user name is weblogic, password is weblogic1.
4. Create test user, which name is test and password is weblogic1.
$java weblogic.WLST changepw.py <Domain Name> <Admin URI> <Admin user> <Admin password> <user name> <user password>
<Domain Name> : the domain name which need to change user password. e.g. test1032
<Admin URI> : weblogic server adminstration URL, e.g. t3://localhost:7001
<Admin user> : weblogic admin user, e.g. weblogic
<Admin password> : admin user password, e.g. weblogic1
<user name> : the user who need to change password. e.g. test
<user password> : new user password. .e.g welcome1
1. create file named changepw.py which contents as below:
if len(sys.argv) != 7:
print 'Usage: java weblogic.WLST changepw.py <Domain Name> <Admin URI> <Admin user> <Admin password> <user name> <user password> '
DomainName = sys.argv[1]
ADMINUrl = sys.argv[2]
ADMINuser = sys.argv[3]
ADMINPwd = sys.argv[4]
UserToChange = sys.argv[5]
print "DomainName: %s" % (DomainName)
print "ADMINUrl: %s" % (ADMINUrl)
print "ADMINuser: %s" % (ADMINuser)
print "AdminPassword: %s" % (ADMINPwd)
print "UserToChange: %s" % (UserToChange)
print "NewUserPassword: %s" % (NewUserPassword)
print ' ---- Connecting to domain with user: '+ADMINuser+' ------- '
print ' '
print 'Changing password for user: '+UserToChange
print ' ---- Password for User: '+UserToChange+' changed Successfully --- '
print ' '
print ' '
2. The command to run above script, e.g. change password from weblogic1 to weblogic
java weblogic.WLST changepw.py test1032 t3://localhost:7001 weblogic weblogic1 test welcome1
Sample Output
[zsy@ofmpc1 bin]$ java weblogic.WLST changepw.py test1032 t3://localhost:7001 weblogic weblogic1 test welcome1
Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell
Type help() for help on available commands
DomainName: test1032
ADMINUrl: t3://localhost:7001
ADMINuser: weblogic
AdminPassword: weblogic1
UserToChange: test
NewUserPassword: welcome1
---- Connecting to domain with user: weblogic -------
Connecting to t3://localhost:7001 with userid weblogic ...
Successfully connected to Admin Server 'AdminServer' that belongs to domain 'test1032'.
Warning: An insecure protocol was used to connect to the
server. To ensure on-the-wire security, the SSL port or
Admin port should be used instead.
Changing password for user: test
---- Password for User: test changed Successfully ---
Disconnected from weblogic server: AdminServer
You will need to be connected to a running server to execute this command
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